Monday, December 21, 2009

( POISSE) Marine Collagen - Agen Anti Penuaan Yang berkesan.

What is Collagen?

Collagen means "glue producer". Kolla is Greek for glue.The most important building block in the entire animal world, collagen is the tie that binds the animal kingdom together.Life is a string of complex molecules: polymers.Nature's most abundant protein polymer is collagen.
More than a third of the body's protein is collagen.Collagen makes up 75% of our skin.Collagen controls cell shape and differentiation, migration, and the synthesis of a number of proteins.When the body needs to build any new cellular structure as in the healing process, collagen and/or collagen fragments will play a central role.

Skin Collagen
Collagen is very important for the skin. Indeed, it is the principal structural protein holding the skin together. The quantity and quality of our skin's collagen has a major role in our appearance. Therefore, it may be tempting to think that simply getting more collagen into the skin should lead to dramatic rejuvenating effects. While there is a grain of truth to that, things are more complicated than they look as far as collagen is concerned. Collagen is not like most proteins, which are essentially compact molecular clumps -- it is basically a fiber or, when filly mature, a mesh of fibers. Collagen’s composition is also unusual. It is particularly rich in four amino acids: lysine, proline, hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline.

The most common patterns in the amino acid sequence of collagen are lysine-hydroxylysine-proline and lysine-hydroxylysine-hydroxyproline. Types of CollagenCollagen is found in the majority of organs, not just the skin. It occurs in different forms known as types. Hence, it is not enough to have the right amount of collagen in the right place - it has to be the collagen of the right type.

Type I Collagen - The most abundant collagen in the body. Found in tendons, bones, skin and other tissues. Particularly abundant in the scar tissue.

Types II, IX, X, XI - Cartilage

Type III Collagen - Common in fast growing tissue, particularly at the early stages (Phase 1) of wound repair. Much of it is replaced later by the type stronger and tougher type I collagen.
Type IV - Basal lamina (filtration membrane of capillaries)
Type V, VI - Generally found alongside type I
Type VII - Epithelia (lining of GI tract, urinary tract, etc.)
Type VIII - Lining of blood vessels
Type XII - Found alongside and interacts with types I and IIIThe most abundant types of collagen in the skin are I and III; their fibrils form the mesh largely responsible for the skin's mechanical properties.
Other types of collagen in the skin are V, VI, and XII. They are found in much smaller amounts and appear to have a supportive role, whose details remain unclear.

Types of Collagen and the Aging Process

  • Overall, the amount of collagen in the skin tends to decline with age. However, different types of collagen behave differently.
  • In particular, a child's skin has a lot of collagen III, the type is common in fast growing tissues.
  • The abundance of the type III collagen is partly responsible for the softness of the young skin. As the body growth slows down, the skin content of type III collagen declines, while that of type I increases. In fact, type I collagen continues to build up until about the age of 35, when the skin reaches the peak of its mechanical strength. After that, type I begins to decline as well. The dynamic of age-related changes in other collagen types remains unclear.
  • However, we do know that by the age of 60, all types of collagen are significantly below their youthful levels. Understanding collagen types is important for a number of reasons.
  • On the top of that different agents capable of stimulating collagen synthesis may affect different collagen types differently. Collagen Degradation Having a lot of collagen in our skin is not enough. Collagen degradation is an ongoing, natural process.
  • Collagen is excessively damaged by a number of external factors like UV rays, smoking, impaired glucose metabolism, chlorinated water, free radicals, inflammation, irritation and others. Its structure becomes distorted, leading to poor skin texture, wrinkles and other imperfections. Most components of the skin, including collagen, undergo continuous turnover.
  • New collagen is continually produced and recycled throughout life. At a younger age the synthesis of collagen predominates, whereas after about age of 40, the degradation of collagen picks up speed.

Therefore, to keep our skin's collagen in balance, after certain age you may benefit from steps to boost collagen synthesis and reduce its degradation. Considering that collagen type I and III are predominate in the skin, the agents and treatments shown to stimulate the synthesis of these types are particularly promising. One good example of such an agent is topical stabilized L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and Marine Collagen whose capacity to stimulate both type I and III collagen has been shown in a number of studies. Pure Marine Collagen Selanitriol will help accelerate collagen synthesis and elastin collagen thickening, encourage skin renewal and reduce skin muscle contraction. Because of pure concentration, many women could see the results of skin elasticity and plumpness just over a night of application.

Vitamin H ( Biotin ) potential benefits

Vitamin H, more commonly known as biotin, is considered part of the B complex group of vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is "burned" to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly.

Your body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails and is found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin. It is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning the body does not store it; however, bacteria in the intestine can make biotin. It is also available in small amounts a number of foods.

Biotin deficiency is rare. Symptoms include hair loss, dry scaly skin, cracking in the corners of the mouth (called cheilitis), swollen and painful tongue that is magenta in color (glossitis), dry eyes, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and depression. People who have been on parenteral nutrition (nutrition administered intravenously rather than through the mouth or stomach) for a long period of time, those taking anticonvulsant medication or antibiotics long-term, and people with malabsorption syndromes are more likely to be deficient in biotin.

There are few good quality studies evaluating biotin, so many of its proposed uses are based on preliminary evidence or case reports:

Hair and Nail Problems

Preliminary evidence suggests that biotin supplements may improve thin, splitting, or brittle toe and fingernails as well as hair. Biotin, combined with zinc and topical clobetasol propionate, has also been used to combat alopecia (partial or complete loss of hair) in both children and adults.

Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis)

Infants who don't have enough biotin often develop this scaly scalp condition. Although no studies have confirmed that biotin supplements -- given in formula or breast milk -- effectively treat cradle cap, there are individual reports of some doing better with this treatment.

Biotinidase Deficiency

Biotinidase deficiency, a rare inherited condition, is often associated with seizures, skin disorders, bald spots, hearing loss, visual disturbances, and developmental delay. The inherited form of biotinidase deficiency is seen most commonly in people from Saudi Arabia. Biotin supplements improve symptoms.

Another rare inherited metabolic disorder (which resembles biotinidase deficiency) is called holocaroxylase synthetase deficiency. It also alters biotin metabolism and infants with this condition tend to improve from biotin supplements.


Some preliminary research indicates that a combination of biotin and chromium might improve blood sugar control in some people with type 2 diabetes, but biotin alone doesn't seem to have the same effect. More research is needed to know for sure whether biotin has any benefit.

Peripheral Neuropathy

There have been reports that biotin supplements improve the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy for some people who developed this condition from either diabetes or ongoing dialysis for kidney failure. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the nerves of the extremities (often the feet) are damaged. Numbness, tingling, burning or strange sensations, pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty walking are some symptoms. However, more research is needed to know for sure whether biotin can help treat this condition.

Dietary Sources:
Biotin can be found in brewer's yeast; cooked eggs, especially egg yolk; sardines; nuts (almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts) and nut butters; soybeans; other legumes (beans, blackeye peas, peanuts); whole grains; cauliflower; bananas; and mushrooms.

Raw egg whites contain a protein called Avidin that interferes with the body's absorption of biotin.

Food-processing techniques can destroy biotin. Less-processed versions of the foods listed above will contain more biotin.

Available Forms:
Biotin is available in multivitamins and B-vitamin complexes, and as individual supplements.

Standard preparations are available in 10 mcg, 50 mcg, and 100 mcg tablets and contain either simple biotin or a complex with brewer's yeast.

How to Take It:
As with all supplements, check with a health care provider before giving biotin to a child.

Adequate daily intakes for biotin from the diet are listed below.


Infants birth to 6 months: 5 mcg
Infants 7 - 12 months: 6 mcg
Children 1 - 3 years: 8 mcg
Children 4 - 8 years: 12 mcg
Children 9 - 13 years: 20 mcg
Adolescents 14 - 18 years: 25 mcg

19 years and older: 30 mcg
Pregnant females: 30 mcg
Breastfeeding females: 35 mcg
For biotin deficiencies or to treat one of the conditions described in the Uses section, a health care provider may recommend as much as 100 - 1,000 mcg of this supplement. Safety has been established only for dosages of 30 - 600 mcg.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gelombang FIR

Ilustrasi gelombang FIR dan perbandingan dengan gelombang lain yang di guna pakai untuk tujuan komersial atau perubatan. Dan ilustrasi perbezaan spectrum FIR yang ada dan applikasi untuk tubuh manusia.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Demonstrasi kebaikan FIR

Source dari video presentation by

Video menunjukkan kesan terus FIR kepada pemecahan molekul air. Kesan yang sama akan dilihat pada peringkat tisu dimana akan berlaku pemisahan toksin dan seterusnya mengalakkan pembuangan toksin tersebut dari badan. Kajian menunjukkan buangan kumuhan toksin bukan hanya melalui kulit shaja tetapi organ kumuhan lain terutamanya usus. Oleh kerana itulah disarankan memakan produk detox untuk melancarkan pembuangan tosin yang terkumpul di usus besar.

Nota: SPAQASEH bukan pengedar jenama diatas tetapi presentasi video ini mungkin dapat membantu pembaca untuk memahami kesan positif FIR ini.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TIPS sebelum masuk SAUNA

  • Minum air semasa sauna untuk mengelakkan tubuh badan kehilangan air yang banyak. Kehilangan air per sessi sauna boleh mencapai paras seliter untuk tempoh 30 minit
  • Untuk pemggunaan pertama kali ( first timer ) gunakanlah suhu maxima yang ditetapkan lebih kurang 60C untuk wanita dan 55C untuk lelaki bagi tempoh 30 minit. Sekiranya anda merasa selesa proses ini boleh diulang-ulang. Sekiranya anda sudah biasa anda boleh memanjangkan masa setiap sessi hingga 40 minit.
  • Gunakanlah tuala yang ada untuk mengesat peluh yang berlebihan kerana peluh yang terlalu banyak akan menimbulkan rasa kurang selesa.
  • Anda mempunyai pilihan untuk mandi ( shower dahulu ) sebelum SAUNA kerana ada kajian yang mengatakan pengeluaran peluh = toksin adalah lebih banyak.
  • Dekatkanlah bahagian tubuh anda sedekat yang boleh kepada sumber FIR untuk mendapat kesan yang lebih. Contohnya untuk belakang sandarkan badan anda dinding dan untuk kaki , angkatlah kaki anda ke atas pangkin SAUNA.
  • Berhenti sekiranya anda merasa pening atau rasa sangat tidak selesa.
  • Sekiranya anda menghidap sebarang penyakit seperti lemah jantung mintalah nasihat dari doktor anda dahulu.
  • Kanak-kanak secara umumnya tidak digalakkan untuk menerima terapi FIR SAUNA.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Banyaknya Kalori yang terbakar!!!!!

30 minit di FIR SAUNA akan membakar kalori sehingga 900 ke 2400 cal.


  • Rowing (peak effort) 600
  • Swimming (crawl stroke) 300
  • Jogging 300
  • Tennis (fast game) 265
  • Chopping Wood 265
  • Cycling (10 mph) 225
  • Golfing (without a cart) 150
  • Walking (3.5 mph) 150
  • Bowling 120
  • Vigorous Racquet Ball 510
  • Marathon Running 593

FIR SAUNA DAN STRESS Orkut MySpace Hi5 Scrap Images Picture Comments

Kajian keatas kesan FIR SAUNA kepada tekanan perasaan menunjukkan kesan yang positif. Pengaliran darah yang lebih sempurna dan pembuangan bahan kumuh logam berat dikenal pasti sebagai punca keputusan positif. Kajian yang sama juga menunjukkan kesan positif FIR SAUNA ke atas penghidap penyakit Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( Syndrome Keletihan tanpa dibuktikan disebabkan penyakit ).

Friday, April 24, 2009


Bukan berdasarkan testimoni tetapi dari penkaji-penkaji sains FIR.

Kebaikan yang dikenal pasti

1. Fungsi terbesar membantu menyahtoksin dari badan melalui peluh.
Komposisi peluh biasa= 97 peratus air dan hanya 3 peratus air
Komposisi peluh dengan FIR = 80 peratus air dan 20 peratus toksin
Toksin yang dikenal pasti adalah = logam berat seperti Cadmium, plumbum, copper, racun perosak, Raksa ( Tinggi umtuk pemakan2 hasil lautan ) dan uric acid.
Dalam dunia sains Kulit adalah buah pinggan ke 3.
2. Membantu melancarkan Aliran Darah.
Sinaran FIR akan menembusi sehingga 4cm kedalam tubuh memanskan tisu dan menyebabkan tindakbalas physiologi pertambahan aliran darah ke saluran darah yang terbuka dan secara tidak langsung melancarkan darah ke ektremiti ( hujung kaki dan tangan ). Meningkatnya pegaliran darah boleh membantu mengatasi masalah radang seperti radang sendi, mempercepatkan proses penyembuhann.
3. Membantu mengurangkan bert badan.
Setiap 30 minute didalam FIR sauna akan membakar sehingga 600 kalori= beralri sejauh 8 km.
Lemak akan menjadi larut pada suhu peripheri dan dinyah dari badan melalui kulit. Pengunaan FIR sauna yang berterusan + diet yang baik+ motivasi yang tinggi dan mungkin bantuan program diet seperti JUSMATE 5 akan membantu anda mengurangkan berat badan anda dengan kadar yang sihat.
4. Membantu Sistem KardioVascular

Tindakbalas badan ke atas FIR sauna adalah sama secara physiology seperti tindakbalas kepada aktiviti senaman. Peningkatan degupan jantung, pengaliran darah yang lebih baik terutamanya ke ekstremiti, kulit dan organ dalaman. Tetapi diingatkan bahawa SAUNA tidak boleh menganti kebaikan melakukan aktiviti senaman berkala anda.
5. Dapatkan KULIT yang sihat.
Semasa berpeluh liang roma akan terbuka dan seterusnya membuan kekotoran, minyak dan kulit mati. Ini akan secara langsung membantu kulit mengurangkan parut dan jerawat. Dalam perubatan moden FIR digunakan untuk merawat penyakit kulit seperti ekzema dan psoariasis.
6. Mengurangkan masalah selulit.
Sinaran FIR mampu menembusi sehingga 4 sm ke bawah kulit dan boleh memcahkan lemak selulit dan seterus lemak ini akan dinyahkan bersama-sama peluh.
7.Mengurangkan tekanan dan CFS.
Kajian dari Barat menunjukkan kesan positive therapy FIR SAUNA
untuk mengurangkan masalah tekanan perasaaan dan CFS ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome )= syndrom keletihan tanpa diketahui sebab sebenarnya.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


FIR Sauna Box
- Untuk seorang atau dua orang
- Suhu, Masa yang boleh diprogramkan
- In built entertainment - CD Player dan Radio
- Kaca lutsinar mengelakkan Claustraphobia ( Takut Ruang Sempit )
- Box dibuat dari solid wood cedar yang berbau wangi ( Bukan bau papan lapis ) untuk keselesaan anda.
-Binaan lampu terbina dalam ( built in box light )


- Mempunyai pelbagai fungsi
-Therapy/relaxation and airbag mode
-Urutan Badan dan kaki
-Mode Sauna ( Heating mode )
-Cara urutan yang boleh dipilih secara manual.

- Mini Gim untuk anda terus membakar kalorie berlebihan di badan anda.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



Sapa kata sauna mahal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kini tidak lagi .................. FIR sauna kini dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang.
Kini boleh dinikmati pada kadar serendah RM10 per entry tanpa had masa.


Jadilah member prepaid kami:

**Kad emas:
RM300 untuk 30 sessi kemasukkan. ***diskaun 70 peratus dari harga walk in customer

**Kad perak:
RM150 untuk 10 sessi kemasukkan. ***diskaun 50 peratus harga walk in customer.

Ahli walk in tanpa prepaid:

Ingin diskaun untuk cuba merasai pengalaman FIR sauna dan masih tak pasti untuk menjadi ahli prepaid kami??? ....feel free to email me at